Sunday, October 09, 2005

Developing Effective Presentation Techniques

Triple A Lecture This site is a wiki dedicated to the lecture technique. They have posted a faily extensive article which discusses all major aspects of lecturing and the authors have started a wiki or open online discussion forum to allow everyone to participate. As with most wikis yuou must register with a valid email address. Thge password for this wiki is "lecture".

The lecture is a time honoured technique for the transmission of knowledge, and used appropriately can be a very effective tool in the process of facilitating learning. It is a very efficient delivery format for learning institutions because it allows for the targeting of many individuals, as many as can be reached by the lecturers voice.
A well prepared and delivered lecture is a thing of beauty and joy. In fact, it can be a form of entertainment and great lecturers are in demand and comand large fees. Often the thing we remember most about a "really great lecture" is just that it was really great but we can't recall much of the content much less say that we have learned anything.
While it is a great technique for teaching, it is not necessarily the greatest technique for learning. We know that adults learn best when they are engaged in their learing and with the lecture format the engagement is minimal.

Developers have been working hard to replace instructors who simply lecture (as have many educational institutions. Pedagogical agents, virtual tutors digital helpers. are all terms used to describe the computer based training system being developed at Florida State University by Amy L.Baylor

These programs are also known as knowledge avatars or chat bots.


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